1st Presbyterian Rockin’ With 41West

By On July 31st, 2017

MarquetteJuly 30, 2017 – 41West engaged with for over 100 people this Sunday morning as we played & worshiped together on Front Street Downtown Marquette.

Pastor Nick spoke about our mindset for living. Pastor spoke about an older Ethiopian tribe that had a mindset where they sacrificed the health of an infant, so the tribe would be healthy. This is a perverted mindset that is based on dark spiritual principles and the “Flesh”.

Pastor Nick encouraged us to have a spiritual mindset that is focused on the light and the Word, a Godly mindset with Jesus and love at the center.

Pastor Nick Cammarata 1st Presbyterian Marquette

Pastor Nick Cammarata 1st Presbyterian Marquette

Pastor said a touch of God rarely comes when one is focused on the “Flesh”. A scriptural mindset, in tune with the truths of the Bible and the Great I Am, creates the path for God to openly intervene in our lives.  It’s a very special thing to have a Godly Christian mindset. You can reach Pastor Nick at (906) 226-6587.

41West had a ball this morning playing 6 songs/jams. It was an enjoyable time as we sang Mavis Staples’ Have A little Faith, Eva Cassidy’s People Get Ready, Lincoln Brewster’s You Are Good, Swing Low Sweet Chariot and a couple of originals.

Gene Uuro played lead guitar beautifully, and we did his new happy sounding composition in the key of G called, “Sunday Morning”.

Luke Noordyk held the band together with a strong bass line and vocals.

Bill Houghton Jr. was rock solid on the drums.

Naomi Noordyk sang beautifully.

I put some Hammond B-3 touches on Mavis Staples song, enjoyed playing the churches Petrof Grand Piano, and I played a Yamaha wind instrument with my keyboard for some saxophone solos.

We play the next 3 Sunday mornings. The band changes a bit every time we play so it’s always fresh. We encourage you to come out this Sunday August 6 2017 from 9:45a-11a on Front Street by the Landmark Inn.

1st Presbyterian looking tot he North

1st Presbyterian looking tot he North1st Presbyterian looking tot he North